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Sunday, August 20, 2006

Dream Theory

At last we have some music for the cafe.As much as I enjoy listening to audio drama, and wait to see what lovely delights I'm bringing in later on in the week on that front, but today I've just received a beautiful new laptop which I've connected up to the cafe speakers, and for your further listening pleasure here is Jon Hassell's track "Courage" from his sublime CD 'Dream Theory in Malaya'.It's excellent for getting things done to or simply laying back and drifting off into or dreaming off into or floating off into....

I've also come across a fascinating article which inspired the whole musical project, which does include Eno amongst others, in case you needed any other incentive to go out and get yourself a copy of the whole CD.Anyway the article is well worth a read, it's all about a community in Malaya who utilise dreams as a way of having a more balanced society.

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